L. V. Pokey Harris
Executive Director, North Carolina 911 Board

For over 25 years, L. V. Pokey Harris has been employed in public safety within emergency services. Harris has extensive knowledge and experience in 911, public safety communications, emergency management, emergency medical services, as well as local government and private sector management.
She has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Emergency Management from Jacksonville State University.
She is currently vice president of the National Association of State 911 Administrators and a member of the National Emergency Number Association and the Association of Public Safety Communications Officers. She holds certifications as an Emergency Number Professional and in Emergency Medical Dispatch, Emergency Fire Dispatch and various areas for the National Incident Management System. Harris has been appointed to the North Carolina Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee and serves as a member of the N.C. State Medical Assistance Team 800.
Prior to her move to North Carolina in 2015, Harris served on numerous boards, committees, and working groups in Virginia and was awarded the State of Virginia Governor’s Award for Excellence in EMS (2013).