The N.C. Department of Information Technology recognizes that all people of North Carolina have the right to access government services, to meaningfully contribute to government decisions and to share equitably in the benefits of a prosperous North Carolina. 

As a state agency, it is NCDIT’s role to foster a culture that leverages technology for an equitable, prosperous, healthier and educated North Carolina and enables trusted business-driven solutions that meet the needs of the public. 

We acknowledge that there is more to be done to reach communities across the state who might be unaware of and underserved by the department’s programs. This includes communities of color, Indigenous communities and low- and moderate-income communities. Consequently, it is necessary for these communities to be more meaningfully engaged as partners and stakeholders in government decision-making.

At the same time, building a more inclusive society affects and requires the participation of all North Carolinians. We have developed the Public Access and Participation Plan to better understand where gaps exist, and to encourage greater participation across the state in all areas of our programs and operations.

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