Glenn Mack
Chief Information Officer
N.C. Department of Public Safety
N.C. Department of Adult Correction

Glenn Mack serves as the N.C. Department of Information Technology's chief information officer for the N.C. Department of Public Safety and the N.C. Department of Adult Correction. He is responsible for the overall technology direction and leadership of the state’s largest agency, including operations, applications and security.
Mack came to NCDIT in 2019 during the transition of cabinet agency IT positions into NCDIT. Previously, he was chief information officer of the N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety from 2009 to 2012 and deputy chief information officer of the N.C. Department of Public Safety from 2012 until he was promoted to CIO in 2018.
He also worked for various private companies, serving as an IT director for a North Carolina-based national marketing and publications company and as a senior-level integration consultant for domestic and international clients.
Mack has received multiple recognitions over the years for successful or enhanced technology initiatives to include a Governor’s Award for Excellence for Efficiency and Innovation, as well as being named the 2021 NC Tech Public Sector CIO of the Year.
He is a board member of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Information Network and a certified employment and grievance mediator. He has also served on the Governor’s Advisory Council on Hispanic and Latino Affairs.
Mack graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Science in computer science.