The IT Supplemental Staffing Provider Contract (ITS-009440) provides for short-term IT staffing augmentation on an hourly basis.

The IT Supplemental Staffing Provider Contract (ITS-009440) is used to obtain IT supplemental staffing services.

Instructions for Agencies

All IT Supplemental Staffing Program assignment requests will be submitted through the Vendor Management System and will no longer be submitted through our website. Computer Aid, Inc., the Managed Service Provider, is available to assist in this transition.

A completed Short-Term Staffing Contract Hiring Addendum form is required for ALL Short-Term IT Staffing Contract requests submitted in the VMS. The completed Staffing Contract Hiring Addendum form must be included as an attachment within the VMS requisition under the Approval/History page in the section titled “Justification Attachments.” Additional instructions can be located in the “Guide Me” Section on the VMS Homepage.

Agency Access to the VMS Homepage

For general questions about the contract (ITS-009440) or contract administration, contact IT Contract Specialist Sandra Rosser at

Instructions for Vendors

All IT Supplemental Staffing Program requisition releases, candidate submissions, contractor time sheet entry, etc., will occur through the Vendor Management System, an Internet-enabled, web-based application. Computer Aid, Inc. is the State’s Managed Service Provider, and CAI will utilize the VMS to manage the entire assignment workflow process.

Vendor Access to the NC VMS Website 

For general questions about the contract (ITS-009440) or contract administration, contact IT Contract Specialist Sandra Rosser at

For questions about the VMS or provider on-boarding, contact the CAI Help Desk at