
Local governments add value to their local datasets by sharing them with state agencies for statewide compilations such as NC Parcels. The purpose of the Local Government Committee is:

  1. To advise the N.C. Geographic Information Coordinating Council on issues, problems and opportunities related to GIS within local governments in North Carolina.
  2. To inform local government users of geographic information about the status of GIS activities in the state, GIS efforts in state government and the actions of the GICC.

Associations Represented on the LGC

The LGC is comprised of one representative from each of the following organizations:

  • Association of Regional Council Executive Directors
  • Carolina Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
  • N.C. Association of County Commissioners
  • N.C. Chapter of the American Planning Association
  • N.C. League of Municipalities
  • N.C. Local Government Information Systems Association
  • N.C. Property Mappers Association
  • N.C. Geographic Information Coordinating Council (appointment by the chair)

The Value of GIS – Are You on the Map?

Have you told your story that highlights the value of GIS in your local government in North Carolina?

A story map http://arcg.is/2fapfyJ features local governments' award-winning uses of geospatial data and tools, with maps, graphics and brief narratives. Local governments in North Carolina are invited to enter and click the blue “participate” button and add graphics and text to tell stories about the ways GIS meets needs and informs decisions.  

Working Group for Enhanced Emergency Response (WGEER)

The group identifies ways to make data sharing more efficient before and during events and to engage more GIS professionals in technical support for emergency response.  WGEER is a user led community that works within four resources:  

  1. The WGEER supports an ESRI Hub site that members can use to share emergency response data with other members.  
  2. Members are also invited to join a Teams site where they can ask questions and share information directly with other members during an event.  
  3. WGEER planning and mid-event meetings are held to allow users to request and share data resources.  Members must join the WGEER team to be invited to meetings.
  4. TERMS GIS personnel support:  Members can register with TERMS to volunteer to serve in an affected community during an event.  Communities needing assistance do not need to be WGEER members to request GIS assistance.

To join the WGEER please contact Brett Spivey.  To be added to the Hub site, provide Brett your ArcGIS Online user name and specify whether you just need to view emergency related GIS data or contribute emergency related GIS data.  

Committee Information


Natalie Walton-Corbett, ChairNCLMIT, GIS CoordinatorCity of Greenville
Gerald FaulknerAt Large - APWAWater Treatment Plant ManagerCity of Kannapolis
Malinda FordN.C. ARCEDPiedmont Triad Regional Council Council of Government
Katie Doherty NCPMAGIS AdministratorRutherford County
Josh NorwoodNCLGISAGIS ManagerPender County
Marlena IsleyGICCGIS ManagerGuilford County
John BridgersNCACCSenior GIS AnalystBurke County
Richard TuinstraCURISASenior GIS ManagerCity of Wilmington
Alice Wilson APA-NCGIS CoordinatorCity of New Bern
Jackie DillonAt-Large (NCAUG)Utilities SpecialistTown of Apex
LGC Appointments   
Statewide Mapping Advisory Committee 
Joseph Battinelli Business & Location Innovative Services SupervisorCabarrus County
Alice Wilson GIS coordinatorCity of New Bern
Board on Geographic Names  
Amy Durden GIS coordinatorElizabeth City
Technical Advisory Committee  
Krishnan Lakshmanan System architectMecklenburg County
Hydrography Working Group 
Marlena Isley GIS managerAlamance County
Working Group on Orthoimagery and Elevation 
Josh Norwood GIS managerPender County
Natalie Walton-Corbett IT, GIS coordinatorCity of Greenville
Working Group for Seamless Parcels 
Katie Doherty GIS and E911 Addressing AdministratorRutherford County


View upcoming GICC events.

Past meetings with associated materials: Past GICC events

Bylaws and Work Plans

Local government agencies in North Carolina are major users of GIS technology and are developers of geospatial data. The LGC serves as a forum for organizations that represent local government GIS users and data producers in the state. The LGC prepares an annual work plan that directs the work of the committee and documents its accomplishments.

Newsletters and Other Documents


If there are issues or concerns that you would like the LGC to address, please contact the chair, elected by the members of the LGC.

Current Chair: Natalie Walton-Corbett, 252-329-4108

Staff Support: Colleen Kiley 919-754-6584 and Tim Johnson 919-754-6588

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