
The Statewide Mapping Advisory Committee develops standards and advises on opportunities for the most widely used geographic data, including elevation. This committee works to develop and update data content standards, consolidate statewide mapping requirements, seek support for financing cooperative programs, oversee creation and maintenance of GICC priority geospatial data and advise the GICC on problems and opportunities related to geospatial data programs.

Committee Information


NameStatusOrganizationRepresentationPhone Number
Paul BadrChair, memberGPIGICC Representative704-251-8402
Gary ThompsonVice chair, permanent seatN.C. Geodetic SurveyState Geodetic Survey Chief919-948-7844
Steve AverettMemberCity of GreensboroN.C. League of Municipalities336-373-2057
Joseph BattinelliMemberCabarrus CountyLocal Government Committee704-920-2154
Jo BakerPermanent seatU.S. Geological SurveyU.S. Geological Survey Liaison703-648-4139
Greg DobsonMemberUniversity of North Carolina at AshevilleUniversity of North Carolina System828-251-6973
Rich ElkinsPermanent seatSecretary of State, Land Records ManagementLand Records Manager919-814-5457
Richard GreenePermanent seatN.C. Department of TransportationState Photogrammetric Engineer919-707-7101
Matthew McLambPermanent seatN.C. Center for Geographic Information & AnalysisCGIA Director919-754-6732
Kitty KolbMemberU.S. Geological SurveyFederal Interagency Committee704-790-2612
Sean McGuireMemberN.C. Dept. of Environmental QualityState Government User Committee919-707-9104
Kenneth TaylorPermanent seatN.C. Division of Land ResourcesState Geologist919-707-9211
VacantMember Association of County Commissioners 
Christian VoseMemberN.C. Department of AgricultureState Government User Committee919-707-3289
Alice WilsonMemberCity of New BernLocal Government Committee252-639-7588
Eric WilsonPermanent seatN.C. Department of TransportationDOT GIS Director410-302-1325
Ashley YandleMemberN.C. Division of Archives and HistoryDepartment of Natural and Cultural Resources919-814-6909


View upcoming GICC events.

Past meeting information, including associated materials: Past GICC events

Bylaws and Work Plans


Current Chair: Paul Badr, GPI, 704-251-8402

Staff Support: David Giordano, CGIA, 919-754-6585

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