
A sound IT strategy is directly tied to the state of North Carolina's goals and objectives. The Enterprise Strategy division seeks to maximize the business value and performance of state IT investments and assets. It collaborates with state agency business leaders and IT management to:

  • Provide resources for agencies developing their strategic plans
  • Ensure that agencies’ plans are aligned with the North Carolina IT Roadmap and their business goals
  • Identify opportunities to enhance business processes and consolidate technology solutions

The division has two main focuses: IT Strategic Planning and Business Architecture.

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The Enterprise Strategy division works with state agencies, the NCDIT and the state chief information officer to assist agencies with the IT strategic planning process. All state agencies must submit their technology plans to the state CIO every even-numbered year. Enterprise Strategy offers workshops, guidance, templates and standards to assist agencies as they develop their own IT strategic plans.

To ensure alignment of IT projects and plans with business goals, Enterprise Strategy is documenting the state's business architecture. This helps identify commonalities and overlaps from a business perspective. It also determines how to share data and streamline business processes. This collaborative effort focuses on the creation and use of enterprise applications, common platforms and enterprise services.