GICC Priorities
The N.C. Geographic Information Coordination Council's priorities focus on the quality of statewide geographic information, public access to geospatial resources, collaboration in data development and GIS applications and wide use of geographic information as a strategic element in public and private business processes. The priorities take the form of projects and initiatives including:
- N.C. OneMap is a public service providing comprehensive discovery and access to N.C. geospatial data resources. GICC priorities in support of N.C. OneMap include:
- N.C. Parcels to provide statewide standardized parcel information (land and buildings)
- Metadata to document geospatial data for efficient and reliable discovery of information and credible use
- Statewide Orthoimagery Program funded by the N.C. 911 Board for current, complete, consistent imagery across the state in support of emergency communications and more
- N.C. OneMap Blog for the latest information
- AddressNC for a statewide collection of address points
- Census Geospatial Data for collaborative improvement in the geospatial data applied to Census programs
- Statewide LiDAR, led by the Division of Emergency Management, Risk Management Program, for improved statewide elevation data
2021-2023 GICC Goals & Strategic Direction
The GICC reviews its current strategic direction and sets new goals every two years. This process takes place during multiple GICC meetings, as the member review and discuss the current and proposed new goals. Each goal is assigned to one or more committees and is reflected in committee workplans. Each annual report outlines goal actions and progress.
Goal 1: Improve, expand, and support statewide geospatial data and applications.
- 1.1. Promote free and open discovery of and access to geospatial data created and maintained by local governments.
- 1.2. Research solutions that maintain data sharing security to aid discovery and ease of access to geospatial data.
- 1.3. Continue to support initiatives that compile and maintain statewide geospatial datasets that benefit the businesses and citizens of North Carolina.
- 1.4. Find solutions to make data sharing local-to-state more efficient to meet the needs of multiple statewide datasets and not place undue burden on local geospatial data managers.
- 1.5. Request all state agencies to make the Council’s priority geospatial datasets discoverable and accessible through the NC OneMap Geospatial Portal.
- 1.6. Promote geospatial metadata for standard documentation.
- 1.7. Support applications that derive business value from geospatial data assets and analytics.
Goal 2: Collaborate and conduct outreach for more integration of geospatial data in information technology for expanded benefits in the geospatial community in North Carolina.
- 2.1. Identify opportunities to collaborate on GIS solutions in state departments and divisions not directly represented on the Council to add value to state business processes.
- 2.2. Identify opportunities to collaborate on geospatial data and technical solutions on a regional basis, engaging councils of government, educational institutions, metropolitan planning organizations, and rural planning organizations.
- 2.3. Reach out to jurisdictions with the least resources to find ways to add value with geospatial data and applications.
- 2.4. Increase awareness and adoption of Council initiatives and priorities through outreach and education