Topics Related to Procurement

In this training video, James Tanzosch, N.C. Chief Statewide Procurement Officer, explains the ten-step IT procurement processes and procedures and demonstrates how these processes are managed using the eProcurement and dashboard reporting systems

Write an award recommendation that is informative and in accordance with procurement policies.
Delivering legal guidance, advice and support to NCDIT's Statewide Information Technology Procurement Office.
Training Video Demonstrates Incorporating Vendor Agreements
Request for Proposal Lite Form Made Simple
The eProcurement Process is Gaining Greater Efficiency with Intelligent Automation
Important dates for planning IT procurements for the remainder of this fiscal year.
Over the past two years, NCDIT’s Statewide IT Procurement Office has transformed how state agencies must go about procuring high-dollar IT services and products.

The N.C. Department of Information Technology is pleased to announce the release of a new chatbot to assist state agency IT procurement staff as well as anyone engaged in the statewide IT procurement process.