
Document IDAuthority (A Level)
0100-0100-005-QMS-REV-1-0EPMO Quality Manual
0300-0300-005Project Management Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities


Process & Quality Overview

Document IDProcedure & Operation (B Level)
0300-0300-005Project Management Process
0800-0800-005Quality Assurance Process
0810-0810-005Quality Control Process


Project Decision Points

Document IDWork Instruction (C level)Form (D Level)
0810-0810-005-Quality Control Decision Points


Project Work Instructions

Document IDWork Instructions (C level)Form (D Level)
0300-0310-005Project Initiation-
0300-0310-010Project CharterProject Charter Form
0300-0310-015Project Financial AssessmentProject Financial Assessment Form
0300-0310-030Cost Estimation-
0300-0310-035Benefits Estimation-
0300-0310-020Project Assessment TypeProject Assessment Type Form
0300-0310-025Project Manager AssessmentProject Manager Assessment Form
0300-0320-005Project Planning and Design-
0300-0320-010Project RFP ReviewProject RFP Review Form
0300-0320-015Project Contract AwardProject Contract Award Form
0300-0330-005Project Execution and Build-
0300-0330-010Project Go-Live Readiness AssessmentProject Go-Live Readiness Assessment Form
0300-0340-005Project Implementation-
0300-0350-005Project CloseoutProject Closeout Report


Project Change Request, Project Reporting, Project Reviews & Communication

Document IDWork Instruction (C level)Form (D Level)
0300-0360-005Project Change RequestProject Change Request Form
0300-0370-005Project Weekly Status ReportProject Weekly Status Report Form
0300-0375-005Program Project ReviewProgram Project Review Form
0300-0380-005Project Architecture ReviewProject Architecture Review Form
0300-0381-005Project Security ReviewProject Security Review Form
0300-0382-005Project Peer ReviewProject Peer Review Form
0300-0390-005Lessons LearnedLessons Learned Form
0300-0395-005Customer FeedbackCustomer Feedback Form


Project Job Aids

EPMO IT Enterprise Project Workflow
EPMO IT Lite Project Workflow
How-to Library