N.C. Board 911 Grants, Legislation & Policies
Find information that is helpful for working with the N.C. 911 Board. Below are:
- Resolutions related to 911 telecommunicators
- Grants for public-safety answering points
- Forms and documents for working with the N.C. 911 Board
- Legislation establishing the board and its responsibilities
- N.C. 911 Board State Plan and biennial reports
- Policies and procedures related to the N.C. 911 Board
911 Telecommunicator Classification
- Alexander County
- Bladen County
- Brunswick County
- Burke County
- Caldwell County
- Carteret County
- Caswell County
- Cherokee County
- Craven County
- Currituck County
- Davidson County
- Davie County
- Duplin County
- Durham
- Greensboro
- Guilford County
- Halifax County
- Iredell County
- Johnston County
- Martin County
- McDowell County
- Mitchell County
- Perquimans County
- Polk County
- Randolph County
- Robeson County
- Rockingham County
- Scotland County
- Stanly County
The law requires that all voice communications service providers collect a single, uniform 911 service fee and send the revenue to the N.C. 911 Board rather than local governments. The N.C. 911 Board distributes funds to PSAPs based on criteria in the law.
FirstNet Wireless Redundant Solution
Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises
PSAP Managers Conference Presentations
Back-up Plan Information
Please note that these documents change often. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the 911 Board staff.
- CMRS Wireless Fund Expenditure Reimbursement Request Form
- CMRS Wireless Service Charge Form Effective July 2023
- FY2024 Revenue Expenditure Report
- Funding Distribution Procedure
- FY2026 PSAP Funding Reconsideration Workbook
- PSAP Assessment Document
- PSAP Assessment Companion Document
- Voiance Translation Service Sign Up Form
PSAP Cybersecurity Remediation Initiative
NG911 CAD-to-CAD Cloud-Based Subscription Service
The N.C. 911 Board must submit a report to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operation, Revenue Laws Study Commission and Joint Legislative Utility Review Commission in February of every odd-numbered year. The report must include receipts, expenditures and the results of PSAP investigations.
N.C. General Statues §143B-1402(a)(1) requires the N.C. 911 Board to publish and maintain a comprehensive plan for the provision of 911 service in the state. The board is also required to describe the allowable uses of 911 revenue in the state 911 Fund.
- Appeal 911 Board Decisions Procedures
- Approved Training Classes List
- Approved Use of Funds List
- Emergency Medical Dispatch and Telecommunicator Minimum Training Policy
- Funding Review Procedure
- Funding Reconsideration Policy
- Grant Policy
- Implemental Functions Standard Maximum Allowable Procedure for PSAPs
- N.C. 911 Board Bylaws
- N.C. 911 Board Overflow Policy
- Seat Count Policy
- Secondary PSAP Funding Policy