Public Safety Answering Points
A primary public safety answering point, or PSAP, is the first point of reception of a 911 call by a public safety agency. A primary PSAP must be capable of receiving and processing enhanced 911 calls from all voice communications service providers.
A secondary PSAP is able to receive voice and data from an enhanced 911 call transferred from a primary PSAP and complete the 911 process by dispatching law enforcement, ambulances, firefighters or other responders.
The searchable list below is initially sorted by county and then by PSAP name.
PSAP | County | Type | Contact |
Alamance County Central Communications | Alamance | Primary | Stephen Sigmon 336-570-6777 |
Burlington Police Department | Alamance | Secondary | Kenyon Harris 336-513-5423 |
Alexander County E-911 Communications | Alexander | Primary | Greg Foster 828-632-2911 |
Alleghany County E-911 | Alleghany | Primary | Mary Rector 336-372-7920 |
Anson County Emergency Communications | Anson | Primary | Holly Thomas 704-694-7083 |
Ashe County Communications Center | Ashe | Primary | James Brian Greer 336-846-5624 |
Avery County Communications Center | Avery | Primary | Mike Edmisten 828-737-0173 |
Beaufort County Communications Center | Beaufort | Primary | Victoria van Nortwick 252-946-7111 |
Bertie County Communications | Bertie | Primary | J.W. Hoggard 252-794-5330 |
Bladen Central | Bladen | Primary | Beth Singletary 910-862-8141 |
Brunswick County Central Communications | Brunswick | Primary | Kim Lewis 910-253-2570 |
Buncombe County Emergency Communications | Buncombe | Primary | Dr. Osiris Carter 828-250-6645 |
Burke County Consolidated 911 Communications | Burke | Primary | Heather Joyner 828-764-9133 |
Cabarrus County Sheriff Communications | Cabarrus | Primary | Travis McGhee 704-920-3103 |
Caldwell County Emergency Services E911 Communications Center | Caldwell | Primary | Ronald D. Rombs, Jr. 828-426-8355 |
Carteret County Emergency Services | Carteret | Primary | Buddy Carter 252-222-5841 |
Caswell County 911 Communications | Caswell | Primary | Kenneth Everett 336-694-9311 |
Catawba County Communications Center | Catawba | Primary | Brian Drum 828-464-3112 |
Hickory Police Department | Catawba | Secondary | Summer Andrews 828-261-2670 |
Newton Police Department | Catawba | Secondary | Captain Mark Beal 828-695-4263 |
Chatham County Emergency Operations | Chatham | Primary | Mike Reitz 919-545-8162 |
Cherokee County Communications | Cherokee | Primary | Theresa Creasman 828-835-3144 |
Chowan Central Communications | Chowan | Primary | Herman Weiss 252-482-8484 |
Clay County Dispatch | Clay | Primary | Kevin Sellers 828-389-1233 |
Cleveland County 911 Communications | Cleveland | Primary | Capt. Chris Hutchins 704-484-4831 |
Kings Mountain Communications | Cleveland | Primary | Lynn Slycord 704-734-0444 |
Shelby Police Communications | Cleveland | Primary | Brad Fraser 704-484-6855 |
Columbus Central Communications | Columbus | Primary | Valecia Jacobs 910-640-6610, ext. 230 |
Craven County Emergency Communications | Craven | Primary | Stanley Kite 252-636-6608 |
Havelock Police Department | Craven | Primary | Anthony Fischer 252-463-7131 |
New Bern Emergency Communications | Craven | Primary | Lt. Stephen Williams 252-672-4320 |
Cumberland County 911 | Cumberland | Primary | Gene Booth 910-678-7641 |
Fayetteville Communications | Cumberland | Primary | Lisa Reid 910-433-1916 |
Currituck Communications | Currituck | Primary | Mary Beth Newns 252-232-2115 |
Dare Central Communications | Dare | Primary | Jack Scarborough 252-475-5705 |
Davidson County 911 | Davidson | Primary | Rob Wilson 336-242-2047 |
Davie County 911 Communications | Davie | Primary | Rodney Pierce 336-753-6330 |
Duplin County Communications | Duplin | Primary | Chris Vernon 910-296-2169 or 910-296-0115 |
Durham Emergency Communications | Durham | Primary | Randy Beeman 919-560-4191, ext. 16274 |
Edgecombe County 911 | Edgecombe | Primary | Mike Catagnus 252-641-7999 |
Tarboro Police Communications | Edgecombe | Primary | Rick Man 252-641-4239 |
Forsyth County 911 Communications | Forsyth | Primary | Jessica Lowe 336-703-2554 |
Kernersville Police Department | Forsyth | Secondary | Amy Clewis 336-258-8900 |
Winston-Salem Police Department | Forsyth | Primary | Martha Hix 336-773-7866 |
Franklin County Communications Center | Franklin | Primary | Christy Shearin 919-340-4320 |
Gaston County 911 Communications | Gaston | Primary | Capt. Robbie Waldrop 704-866-3343 |
Mount Holly Police Department | Gaston | Primary | Bryan Kale 704-827-2922 |
Graham County 911 | Graham | Primary | Misty Hembree 828-479-7985 |
Granville County Communications | Granville | Primary | Stacy Hicks 919-690-0919 |
Greene County Communications Center | Greene | Primary | Deborah Haddock 252-663-7128 |
Guilford Metro | Guilford | Primary | Melanie Jones 336-373-2646 |
High Point 911 Communications | Guilford | Primary | Kyle Thaggard 336-883-3049 |
Halifax County Central Communications | Halifax | Primary | Henry Hedgepeth 252-583-2390 |
Harnett County Communications Center | Harnett | Primary | Travis Essic 910-893-0221 |
Haywood County 911 | Haywood | Primary | Chanda Morgan 828-356-2737 |
Henderson County Sheriff Communications | Henderson | Primary | Johnny Duncan 828-694-2785 |
Vance 911 Center | Vance | Primary | Vivian Lassiter 252-438-8264, 252-492-0202 |
Hendersonville Police Department | Henderson | Secondary | Amber Kleppe 828-697-3030 |
Hertford County Emergency Services | Hertford | Primary | Felicia Gaston 252-358-7861 |
Hoke County Emergency Communications | Hoke | Primary | Jimmy Stewart 910-904-2973 |
Iredell County Emergency Communications | Iredell | Primary | Candy Miller 704-878-3047 |
Mooresville Police Department | Iredell | Secondary | Susan Davis 704-664-3311 |
Statesville Police Department | Iredell | Secondary | Ashley Mason Office: 704-878-3506 Cell: 704-437-3386 |
Jackson County Emergency Management | Jackson | Primary | Belinda Clawson 828-586-7537 |
Johnston County 911 Communications | Johnston | Primary | Morgan Harris 919-989-5059 |
Jones/Lenoir County 911 | Jones | Primary | Justin Banks 252-361-1788 |
Sanford Police Department Communications Center | Lee | Primary | Daryl Kirby 919-775-8268 |
Lincoln County Communications Center | Lincoln | Primary | Michael McNeely 704-666-6961 |
Macon County Communications | Macon | Primary | Todd Seagle 828-349-2232 |
Madison County 911 | Madison | Primary | Chelsie Lewis 828-649-3602 |
Martin County Communications Center | Martin | Primary | Jason Steward 252-789-4556 |
McDowell County 911 Center | McDowell | Primary | Amberlie Buff 828-652-3982 |
Charlotte Fire (Fire Alarm) | Mecklenburg | Secondary | Bill Suthard 704-432-6461 |
Charlotte Medic | Mecklenburg | Secondary | Corinne Walser 704-943-6242 |
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Communications | Mecklenburg | Primary | Kelly Alvarez 704-609-6833 |
Cornelius Police Communications | Mecklenburg | Primary | Daniel Little 704-892-1363, ext. 249 |
Pineville Police Department | Mecklenburg | Primary | Tammy Watson 704-889-2231 |
Mitchell County Central Communications | Mitchell | Primary | Stephanie Wiseman 828-385-0795 |
Montgomery County 911 Communications | Montgomery | Primary | Frankie Maness 910-576-4221 |
Moore County Emergency Services | Moore | Primary | Scot Brooks 910-947-4353 |
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians | NA | Primary | Cheyenne Pate 828-359-6434 |
Nash County Central Communications | Nash | Primary | Bryant Fisher 252-459-1699 |
Rocky Mount Central Communications | Nash | Primary | Ebony Lyons 252-972-1437 |
New Hanover County Public Safety Comm Center | New Hanover | Primary | Hope Downs 910-798-6915 |
Northampton County Communications | Northampton | Primary | Lakeshia Ransom 252-574-0205 |
City of Jacksonville | Onslow | Primary | Mike Yaniero 910-455-1472 |
Onslow County 911 | Onslow | Primary | Ray Silance 910-989-5013 |
Orange County Emergency Communications | Orange | Primary | Chris Ward 919-245-6139 |
Pamlico County Emergency Management | Pamlico | Primary | Chris Murray 252-745-4131 |
Pasquotank/Camden E-911 | Pasquotank | Primary | Kylie Felton 252-338-7787 |
Pender County 911 | Pender | Primary | Jackie Ezzell 910-259-1362 |
Perquimans/Gates 911 Communications | Perquimans, Gates | Primary | Jonathan Nixon 252-426-5751 |
Person County Emergency Communications | Person | Primary | Roland Nenni 336-330-2243 |
Pitt County Communications | Pitt | Primary | Jimmy Hodges 252-902-2602 |
Polk County Communications | Polk | Primary | Jeremy Gregg 828-894-8303 |
Randolph County 911 | Randolph | Primary | Jamie Bailey 336-318-6942 |
Richmond County Emergency Center | Richmond | Primary | Bob Smith 910-997-8238 |
Lumberton Communications Center | Robeson | Primary | Tammy Mcleod 910-671-3872 |
Robeson E-911 Communications Center | Robeson | Primary | Chad Deese 910-671-3160 |
Rockingham County 911 Communications | Rockingham | Primary | Jason Wood 336-634-3001 |
Rowan County Telecommunications | Rowan | Primary | Phil York 704-216-8511 |
Rutherford County Communications | Rutherford | Primary | Scott Schiefelbein 828-287-6095 |
Sampson County 911 Communications | Sampson | Primary | Cliff Brown 910-592-8996 |
Scotland County Emergency Communications | Scotland | Primary | Samantha Dutch 910-266-4661 |
Stanly County 911 | Stanly | Primary | Kyle Griffin 704-986-3706 |
Stokes County Emergency Communications | Stokes | Primary | Matt Boyles 336-593-2494 |
Mt. Airy Police Department | Surry | Secondary | Kathy Haitt 336-786-3562 |
Surry County 911 Communications | Surry | Primary | Nick Brown 336-401-8650 |
Swain County 911 | Swain | Primary | Misty Tabor 828-488-2196 |
Transylvania County 911 Center | Transylvania | Primary | Cameron Sexton 828-577-2275 |
Union County Communications/E-911 | Union | Primary | Vicki Callicutt 704-283-3550 |
Cary Police Department | Wake | Primary | Doug Workman 919-469-7969 |
Holly Springs Police PSAP | Wake | Primary | Kristin Byrd 919-567-4722 |
Raleigh-Wake County Emergency Communications Center | Wake | Primary | Dominick Nutter 919-996-3530 |
Warren County E-911 Communications | Warren | Primary | Sheila Baskett 252-257-3456 |
Washington County Communication Center | Washington | Primary | Harley Spruill 252-793-4141 |
Beech Mountain | Watauga | Primary | Tim Barnett 828-387-2342 |
Watauga County E-911 | Watauga | Primary | Will Holt 828-265-5668 |
Wayne County Central 911 | Wayne | Primary | Chris Barnes 919-731-1416 |
Elkin Police Department | Wilkes | Secondary | Josh Tulbert 336-258-8910 |
Wilkes County Emergency Communications | Wilkes | Primary | Logan Kerr 336-990-0417 |
Wilson County Emergency Communications | Wilson | Primary | Jeff Williford 252-237-8300 |
Yadkin County Sheriff's Office | Yadkin | Primary | Dylan Zachary 336-849-7816 |
Yancey County E-911 | Yancey | Primary | Gina Duncan 828-682-2124 |