Geographic Information & Analysis Technical Details

Technical Details

CGIA provides geographic information systems services and geospatial analysis on a cost-recovery basis to state and local government, federal agencies, and other geospatial stakeholders.


Customer Responsibilities

  • Identify a primary point of contact to work with CGIA to coordinate the activities being performed by CGIA.
  • Engage the CGIA GIS Service as soon as possible for any given IT project to:
    • Identify business and technical requirements that have a geospatial component;
    • Negotiate the scope of work, performance period and milestones, and budget;
    • Forward a bill code that can be charged for the services being provided; and
    • Provide feedback and review during the performance period.

Hours of Availability

  • Business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.
  • GIS Services can be made available on a 24/7 basis if needed.