2024-2025 Service Rates

As required by state law, the N.C. Department of Information Technology annually updates fees and rates to reflect industry standards for any goods or services charged to state agencies and local governments. All rates must be submitted to and approved by the N.C. Office of State Budget & Management.

The service rates for FY 2024-2025, which are listed below, are the costs all customers pay for using services that NCDIT provides. Please note that in addition to service rates, all customers also pay a subscription.

Learn more about how NCDIT calculates subscription and service rates.

Customer Expectations

NCDIT is committed to transparency and better communication to customers about their bills. Customers, however, should review their billing monthly and provide feedback on billing issues in a timely manner.

As NCDIT’s primary way of providing formal communication is to an agency’s billing contact, as listed in the NCDIT Customer Care Portal (also referred to as the NetPlus billing system), these billing contacts should also make every effort to share communication to their agency’s decisionmakers, as appropriate.

What Has Changed for FY 2024-2025?

Service Rate Changes

With approval of FY 2024-2025 service rates in June 2024, customers will begin seeing new rates, beginning with August invoices. 

Subscription Charge

NCDIT calculated the FY 2024-2025 subscription charge for each customer based on its use of IT services in FY 2023 (July 2022 to June 2023).

Because the Office of State Budget and Management approved rates in June 2024, customers are billed the subscription in 12 installments from July 2024 through June 2025.

Previous Service Rates

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