GDAC provides several services, applications, reporting tools and dashboards to facilitate a data-driven government. Our services can help your organization streamline operations, increase security, provide greater access and insight to your data and create more efficient service delivery.

At GDAC, we abide by the highest security standards set by state and federal law. Our services seek to provide a more streamlined experience and a safer North Carolina for our residents.

Data Integration

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NC eLink is a data utility that integrates entity data from disparate administrative systems, creating a more comprehensive view of the residents served. This is done by linking a crosswalk of keys without sharing personally identifiable information (PII). By linking data from multiple sources, agencies can improve service delivery, operational efficiencies and decision-making.

The North Carolina Longitudinal Data Service (NCLDS) provides secure, privacy-protected access to cross-sector, longitudinal and linked record-level data to help North Carolina address its most pressing questions via data-informed decision-making, continuous improvement and performance management processes. 
Several state, federal and other agencies contribute data to help determine best practices and the effectiveness of programs and policies.

This longitudinal data can be used to support improvement of education outcomes, such as graduation rates, obtaining a college degree or obtaining a job.

Data Reporting (Analytics & Visualization)

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Analytics as a Service (AaaS) allows state agencies to outsource their analytics needs through GDAC, giving them access to advanced analytics tools and expertise without the need for expensive infrastructure or dedicated staff. AaaS services are complete and customizable solutions for organizing, analyzing and visualizing data.

A variety of tools are available to business owners who participate in the GDAC environment. These reporting tools provide the ability to leverage standard, system-generated reports and ad hoc reports. Advanced tools are also available to users to generate Business Intelligence Dashboards and Visual Analytics.

The reporting and analytics capability for GDAC shares the same technical environment as the NC FACTS fraud and compliance alerting solutions. This common technical infrastructure and data repository provides access to all integrated data as allowed by data governance agreements to support agency program analytics, metrics, predictive analysis and executive dashboards.

Based on business requirements and analytic models, the alerts are prioritized to assist business owners in the management of alerts, investigation and adjudication. For each alert generated, users are provided with a complete set of information on which they can conduct their investigation. This eliminates a need for an investigator to jump from system to system to gather information for decision making. During the investigation of an alert, business owners are provided workspace to capture notes and to manage workflow.

Example: NC FACTS, North Carolina Financial Accountability and Compliance Technology System, provides agencies with the ability to utilize integrated GDAC data to generate alerts associated with program-related fraud, compliance and/or improper payments.

The forecasting tool provides an open forecasting ecosystem for quickly and automatically producing a large number of reliable forecasts based on the business requirements. The tool helps to automatically determine the forecasting models most suitable for the historical data. An appropriate model is generated for each item being forecast based on user-defined criteria, and model parameters are automatically optimized.

Warehouse Analytics Environment

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GDAC provides an integrated data warehoused analytics environment with automated data pipelines and workflows which helps our customers deliver information to their business users. It reduces data silos, eliminates system redundancies and enhances security and governance. It can also improve process efficiency and accelerating time to insight.

Agencies can use this environment to produce their own dashboards for analysis and reporting. This reduces the cost for agencies to build independent warehouses and is an alternative to having GDAC build dashboards and do reporting for them.

Data Integration Portals

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A data integration application portal is a web application that provides holistic view of data from different sources, organized under subsets or categories with secured role-based access to make it simple for the users to find based on the business requirements. The NC GDAC application portal is the final product used by agency or other business users.

CJLEADS is a database of comprehensive information about criminals that can be accessed via the web in seconds. CJLEADS integrates data found within the state’s various databases – including warrants, jail records, court records, prison records, probation and parole status, sex offender registration, DMV, Wildlife and Concealed Handgun Permits – and provides up-to-date information about offenders in a centralized location via a secure connection for use by state and local government criminal justice professionals.

Case Worker ASSIST (Accessing and Searching Sensitive Information through Technology) is a web-based application which integrates minimum information from multiple data sources (social services and criminal history data).  The application is another tool to assist social services professionals in making better and more informed decisions in delivery of appropriate services for individuals and families.

Case Worker ASSIST provides a more comprehensive view of a person, and all their associated services and cases regardless of which county is the service provider. The application provides a dashboard view of person demographics, history of events, related associations, address, and criminal history. 

Case Management Systems

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Case management systems allows business users to consolidate and keep track of client or case data. Users can log in to one system instead of several in order to follow the end-to-end lifecycle of a case. These systems improve user workflow, aid investigations and help users see the historical data of a case.

Case management system focusing on investigations can be used to identify, investigate and act on suspicious activities and events of interest quickly and easily with workflow capabilities that govern the complete life cycle of an investigation, search or inquiry.

The user-friendly interface contains interactive visualization and search capabilities for building, gathering, exploring and visualizing data relevant to investigations and research. This system empowers intelligence analysts and investigators to work more collaboratively and efficiently.

Current examples are the DOI’s Bail Bonds case management system and the State Bureau of Investigation’s IntelShare system.


Key modules are:

 Search and Discovery
Alert and Event Management
Case Management
Administration and Configuration
Entity Analytics



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