N.C. Longitudinal Data System Governance Board Members
The Governance Board, which provides consultation to the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System, has eight members – one from each entity that contributes data to NCLDS and one each from the Governor's Office and the N.C. Department of Information Technology.
Voting Members
N.C. Department of Health and Human Services: Secretary Devdutta Sangvai
N.C. Department of Public Instruction: Superintendent Maurice (Mo) Green
N.C. Community College System: President Jeff Cox (Board vice-chair)
University of North Carolina System: Senior Vice President for Strategy and Policy Shun Robertson, as designated by President Peter Hans (Board chair)
N.C. Department of Commerce: Secretary Lee Lilley
N.C. Independent Colleges and Universities: President Hope Williams
Non-voting Members
N.C. Department of Information Technology: Secretary Teena Piccione
Office of the Governor: Governor Josh Stein