IT Strategy Board Powers, Duties & Bylaws

The Information Technology Strategy Board, housed within the N.C. Department of Information Technology, has certain powers and duties under North Carolina law.

See the full bylaws of the IT Strategy Board.

  • To advise the state chief information officer on policies and procedures to develop, review and update the State Information Technology Plan
  • To establish necessary committees to identify and share industry best practices and new development and to identify existing state IT problems and deficiencies
  • To establish guidelines regarding the review of project planning and management, information sharing, and administrative and technical review procedures involving state-owned or state-supported technology and infrastructure
  • To establish ad hoc technical advisory groups to study and make recommendations on specific topics, including work groups to establish, coordinate and prioritize needs
  • To assist the state CIO in recommending to the governor and the General Assembly a prioritized list of enterprise initiatives for which new or additional funding is needed
  • To recommend business system technology projects to NCDIT and the General Assembly that have:
    • A defined start and end point
    • Specific objectives that signify completion
    • Designed to implement or deliver a unique product, system, or service pertaining to business system technology
  • To develop and maintain a five-year prioritization plan for future business system technology projects