List of NCID Administrators for Yadkin County

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Division/Section Admins
Town of Boonville Jeffery W Hobson - 336-367-7828
Town of Boonville - Public Works Department
Town of Boonville - Public Works Department - Water
Town of Boonville - Police Department Patrick L Long 336-367-7828
Town of East Bend Bradley Hardy - 336-699-2094
Town of East Bend David Shore - 336-699-8560
Town of East Bend Ronnie Bowers - 336-699-2094
Town of East Bend - Town Hall
Town of East Bend - East Bend Police Department
Town of Jonesville Wendy Thompson - 336-835-3426
Town of Jonesville Tasha Ferguson - 336-835-5020
Town of Jonesville - Finance
Town of Jonesville - Jonesville Police Department Tasha Ferguson 336-835-5020
Scotty Vestal 336-835-5020
Town of Yadkinville Dawn Pardue - 336-679-2863
Town of Yadkinville Patrick Long - 336-679-2863
Town of Yadkinville Randall Dimmette - 336-679-2863
Town of Yadkinville P Williams - 336-679-2990
Town of Yadkinville Timothy Jones - 336-679-2863
Town of Yadkinville Jacob Swaim - 336-679-8732
Town of Yadkinville Brian King - 336-679-2990
Town of Yadkinville Michael R Koser - 336-679-8732
Town of Yadkinville - Town Hall
Town of Yadkinville - Administration
Town of Yadkinville - Police Department Philip Scott 336-679-2863
Town of Yadkinville - Police Department - Criminal Investigations
Town of Yadkinville - Police Department - Patrol
Yadkin County Richard Burchette - 336-849-7702
Yadkin County Steven Ratcliffe - 336-849-7700
Yadkin County - Emergency Management Keith Vestal 336-849-7622
Yadkin County - Fire Marshall James Leonard 336-679-4231
Yadkin County - Administration Lisa Hughes 336-679-4200
Christopher Ong 336-679-4200
Yadkin County - Tax Administration Lindsay Pack 336-849-7903
Dana C Ladd 336-679-4223
Phyllis Adams 336-679-4221
Vickie Hall 336-679-4221
Yadkin County - Sheriffs Office Elizabeth Jones 336-849-7800
Justin F Collins 336-679-4217
Yadkin County - Finance Department Lisa Hughes 336-679-4200
Yadkin County - Finance Department - Payroll Division
Yadkin County - Social Services APRIL CAIN 336-679-4210
KATHY COX 336-679-4210
KIM CAIN 336-849-7551 x7551
Yadkin County - Social Services - Child Subsidy Teresa Pardue 336-849-7559
Yadkin County - Social Services - Child Support Teresa Pardue 336-849-7559
Yadkin County - Social Services - NC FAST KATHY COX 336-679-4210
Angie J Bray 336-849-7533 x7533
Tenia Vestal 336-849-7649
Yadkin County - Pretrial
Yadkin County - Soil and Water Jason P Walker 336-679-8052 x3
Yadkin County - Register of Deeds Karen H Wagoner 336-679-4225 x7658
Aric Wilhelm 336-679-4225
Yadkin County - Yadkin County Health Department Heather L McArthur 336-679-4203 x3112
Alice L Salmons 336-679-4203 x7627
Patricia P Belton 336-849-7910 x7602
Rebecca J Reavis 336-753-6752
Shannon L Harris 336-679-4203 x7604
Yadkin County - IT Department