Division/Section | Admins |
City of Henderson | Perry L Twisdale - 252-431-6057 |
City of Henderson | Kevin Epps - 252-430-5734 |
City of Henderson | COH OHIT - 252-430-5700 |
City of Henderson - Engineering | Clark Thomas 252-430-5728 |
City of Henderson - Finance Department | |
City of Henderson - City Administration | |
City of Henderson - Police Department | Brandon Mitchell 252-438-4141 Brittany L Strother 252-438-4141 Joseph Ferguson 252-438-4141 Christopher Ball 252-431-6069 David Elliot 252-438-4141 Aaron R Evans 757-871-9888 Perry L Twisdale 252-431-6057 Stephen Gresham 252-438-4141 |
City of Henderson - City Hall | |
City of Henderson - WWTP | |
City of Henderson - FireStation1 | |
City of Henderson - KLRW | |
City of Henderson - AYCOCK REC | |
City of Henderson - Operations | |
City of Henderson - Users | Leobardo Mata 252-438-4141 |
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments | Diane Cox - 252-436-2040 |
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments - Workforce Development | |
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments - RPO | |
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments - Child and Family | Susan Tucker 252-436-2040 |
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments - Aging | |
Town of Kittrell | Vicki Collins - 252-492-5273 |
Town of Kittrell - Administration | |
Town of Middleburg | Annie Fudge - 252-430-7716 |
Town of Middleburg | Ray Bullock - 252-432-0022 |
Town of Middleburg | Likeyal M Southerland - 252-213-3462 |
Town of Middleburg - Administration | |
Vance County | Katherine Bigelow - 252-738-2006 |
Vance County | joshua localtestda - 919-754-6157 |
Vance County | Chiquieta Perry - 252-738-2002 |
Vance County - Veterans Service | |
Vance County - Tax Office | Jennifer D Williams 252-738-2046 Cathy Renn 252-738-2046 Porcha Brooks 252-738-2041 Sharon Brooks-Powell 252-738-2050 |
Vance County - Solid Waste | |
Vance County - Soil and Water Conservation | Bessie Newman 252-438-5727 x3 |
Vance County - Sheriffs Office | Durwood L Campbell 252-738-2200 Donnie R Thomas 252-738-2206 Weldon W Bullock 252-425-4431 |
Vance County - Senior Center | |
Vance County - Register of Deeds | |
Vance County - Planning and Development | |
Vance County - Planning and Development - Building Inspections | |
Vance County - Planning and Development - Land Use Planning | |
Vance County - Jail | |
Vance County - Interagency Drug Enforcement Unit | |
Vance County - Fire and Ambulance | Delores Woodard 252-738-2023 Jordan McMillen 252-738-2002 |
Vance County - Elections | |
Vance County - Economic Development | |
Vance County - Cooperative Extension | |
Vance County - Animal Control | |
Vance County - Administration | |
Vance County - Administration - County Manager | |
Vance County - Administration - Finance | |
Vance County - Administration - Human Resources | |
Vance County - Vance County Health Department | Robert Bowen 252-492-7915 |
Vance County - Emergency Operations | Brian K Short 252-438-8264 |
Vance County - Emergency Operations - 911 | Brian K Short 252-438-8264 |
Vance County - Emergency Operations - Emergency Management | Brian K Short 252-438-8264 |
Vance County - Vance County Social Services | Barbara S Griffin 252-492-5001 x3271 Bill Hissong 252-492-5001 x3231 Elizabeth H Reavis 252-436-0407 x247 Drew R Stevenson 252-492-5001 x231 Jasmine Champ 252-492-5001 x3269 Walter Pegram 252-492-5001 Jasmine J Champ 252-492-5001 Diane Sheridan 252-492-5001 James Harris 252-492-5001 Jonathan Tyler 252-492-4317 Charles Barnes 252-738-2026 |
Vance-Granville Community College | Melonie R Gupton - 252-492-2061 x3239 |
Vance-Granville Community College | Kenneth A Lewis - 252-738-3304 |
Vance-Granville Community College | DEBRA HUGHES - 252-738-3221 |
Vance-Granville Community College | Priscilla Lewis - 252-738-3602 |
Vance-Granville Community College | Robert Newby - 252-738-3472 |
Vance-Granville Community College | Steven Graham - 252-738-3446 |
Vance-Granville Community College | Dywanda M Pettaway - 252-738-3221 |
Vance-Granville Community College - Law Enforcement | Sean Newton 252-738-3320 |
Vance-Granville Community College - Administration | Gabrielle P Chavis 252-738-3275 Kenneth A Lewis 252-738-3304 Diane P Finch 252-738-3240 |