List of NCID Administrators for Nash County

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Division/Section Admins
Nash Community College - Police Nathan J Mizell 252-451-8278
Wayne Lamm 252-451-8313
Nash Community College - Administration Martha H Kingsberry 252-451-8239
Carol Dornseif 252-451-8365
Robin Chasteen 252-451-8232
Kyle Jackson 252-451-8374
Zackery Denmark 252-451-8288
Nash County Felicia Conyers - 252-462-2448
Nash County Sandi Vick - 252-459-1235
Nash County - Public Utilities Scott Farmer 252-210-3403
Nash County - Administration Zee Lamb 252-459-9801
Nash County - Emergency Management
Nash County - Finance Melanie Eason 252-459-9888
Catryna Johnson 252-459-1696
Sandi Vick 252-459-1235
Susan Wilder 252-462-2052
Nash County - Tax Department Sandi Vick 252-459-1235
Nash County - IT Department Sandi Vick 252-459-1235
Nash County - Nash County Sheriffs Office Eddie Moore 252-459-1679
Randy Vanhouten 252-459-4121
Robert Carlisle 252-459-4121
Nash County - Nash County Department of Social Services Kimberly M Williams 252-459-1355 x1355
Angel Carpenter 252-459-1492 x1492
Paula Person 252-459-1423 x1423
Grace Watson 459-462-2416
Nash County - Soil and Water Conservation District Valerie Harris 252-459-4116 x3
Nash County - Register of Deeds sandra d davis 252-459-9836
Nash County - Nash County Health Department Felicia Conyers 252-462-2448
Shannon R Lee 252-886-3366
Sherry M Purkerson 252-459-9819 x1264
Nash County - 911 Communications Michael B Fisher 252-459-1543
Town of Bailey Corey Bullock - 919-998-9758
Town of Bailey James T Edwards - 252-235-3561
Town of Bailey Joel Killion - 252-235-4977
Town of Bailey - Police Department Corey Bullock 919-998-9758
Town of Bailey - Administration
Town of Middlesex Luther H Lewis - 252-235-5761
Town of Middlesex - Police Gloria B Vinson 252-235-5761
Luther H Lewis 252-235-5761
Joe Amos 252-235-4077
Town of Nashville Anthony Puckett - 252-459-4545
Town of Nashville David Boykin - 252-459-4545
Town of Nashville - Parks and Recreation
Town of Nashville - Public Works
Town of Nashville - Administration
Town of Nashville - Fire Department
Town of Nashville - Nashville Police Department Joseph W Corbett 252-459-4545
David Boykin 252-459-4545
Tyler Stone 252-459-4545
Town of Nashville - Nashville Police Department - Investigations
Town of Nashville - Nashville Police Department - Patrol
Town of Nashville - Nashville Police Department - Records
Town of Spring Hope Michele Collins - 252-478-5186
Town of Spring Hope Allen Proctor - 252-314-4987
Town of Spring Hope - Police Department Nathan Gant 252-478-5504
Jason H Leary 252-478-5504
Town of Spring Hope - Administration
Town of Spring Hope - Finance
Town of Spring Hope - Public Works
Town of Whitakers Linda Bonnette - 252-437-4011
Town of Whitakers Darrell Cofield - 252-437-8011
Town of Whitakers Randy N Manning - 252-437-8011
Town of Whitakers Tim Garland - 252-314-1749
Town of Whitakers Esterine Pitt - 252-437-4011
Town of Whitakers Tamica Gray - 252-437-4011
Town of Whitakers - Administration
Town of Whitakers - Police Department Randy N Manning 252-437-8011
Jeremy R Moore 252-437-8011