List of NCID Administrators for Madison County

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Division/Section Admins
Madison County Edward Roberts - 828-649-2721
Madison County Kary A Ledford - 828-649-2521 x4
Madison County Caleb Dispenza - 828-649-3602
Madison County Mandy Bradley - 828-649-2854
Madison County Chris Alquiza - 828-649-3602
Madison County - Administration
Madison County - Emergency Management Edward Roberts 828-649-2721
William Greer 828-206-7910
Madison County - Economic Development Ryan D Cody 828-649-3766
Madison County - Marshall Community Volunteer Fire Department Inc Brett Wallin 828-713-3593
Madison County - Tax Administration Frank House 828-649-3014
Madison County - Sheriffs Office Matthew H Davis 828-713-8690
Michelle Quintero 828-649-2721
Coy Phillips 828-774-3557
Rebecca M Hughey 828-649-1821
Sherry H Martin 828-649-1824
Belinda T Doan 828-649-1824
Nicola A Shelton 828-649-1821
Madison County - Sheriffs Office - Telecommunications
Madison County - Sheriffs Office - Detention
Madison County - Sheriffs Office - Criminal Investigations
Madison County - Sheriffs Office - Patrol
Madison County - Sheriffs Office - Administration
Madison County - Social Services Deborah Kanarr 828-649-2711 x1319
Regina Gosnell 828-649-9498
Samantha Green 828-649-2711
Madison County - Social Services - Clerical
Madison County - Social Services - Foster Care and Child Protective Services
Madison County - Social Services - Child Support Enforcement
Madison County - Social Services - Adult Services
Madison County - Social Services - Medicaid
Madison County - Social Services - Food Stamps
Madison County - Social Services - Child Care Services
Madison County - 911 PSAP Caleb Dispenza 828-649-3602
Madison County - Register of Deeds Susan Rector 828-649-3131
Madison County - Soil and Water Conservation District Bailey Mundy 828-649-9099
Sara Nichols 828-649-9099 x110
Madison County - Fiscal Services Cheryl D Rhinehart 828-649-2521 x222
Madison County - Madison County Health Department Becky S Webb 828-649-3531 x229
Ivy Payne 828-649-3531 x231
vicki s hensley 828-649-3531
Town of Hot Springs David Shelton - 828-206-3215
Town of Hot Springs Joshua A Edwards - 828-622-3214
Town of Hot Springs Abigail Norton - 828-622-7591
Town of Hot Springs - Public Water
Town of Hot Springs - Police
Town of Mars Hill PHILLIP C WILSON - 828-689-2301
Town of Mars Hill Nathan Waldrup - 828-689-2022
Town of Mars Hill Nathan R Bennett - 828-689-2301
Town of Mars Hill - Public Works
Town of Mars Hill - Fiscal Services
Town of Mars Hill - Fire Department Nathan Waldrup 828-689-2022
Town of Mars Hill - Police PHILLIP C WILSON 828-689-2301
Town of Marshall Michelle F Massey - 828-649-3031
Town of Marshall Jeff D Sluder - 828-206-2399
Town of Marshall - Administration Michelle F Massey 828-649-3031
Kristie S Griffin 828-649-3031
Town of Marshall - Police Department Kenneth Brown 828-208-9070
Jeff D Sluder 828-206-2399
Thomas M Boone 828-649-2111
Tori Murdoch 828-649-2111
Dakota L Pangle 828-649-2111