Greene County |
Landon Price - 252-747-2644 |
Greene County |
Kyle DeHaven - 252-747-3446 |
Greene County |
Beverly Stroud - 252-747-3446 |
Greene County |
Paula Loftin - 252-747-3446 |
Greene County - Public Works |
David Jones 252-747-5720
Greene County - Transportation |
Misty Chase 252-747-8474
Greene County - Board of Elections |
Greene County - Parks and Recreation |
Mike Anderson 252-341-3261
Greene County - Emergency Managment |
Berry Anderson 252-747-2544 Brock Kearney 252-747-2544 x100
Greene County - Tax Department |
Becky R Sutton 252-747-3615 Stephanie C Wiggins 252-747-3615
Greene County - Greene County DSS |
Ann Rowe 252-747-5932 Terry Liles 252-747-5932 Tamsey Evans 252-747-5932
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Child daycare |
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Administrative support |
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Adult services |
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Childrens Services |
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Medicaid |
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Food and Nutrition services |
Greene County - Greene County DSS - Child support |
Greene County - Soil and Water Conservation |
Dawn Murphy 252-747-2968 x3
Greene County - Sheriffs Office - Patrol |
Matt Sasser 252-747-3411 Deborah May 252-747-8020 Sharon Marshburn 252-747-3411 Brad Hatch 252-286-7844
Greene County - Finance |
Kyle DeHaven 252-747-3446
Greene County - Finance - Receivables |
Greene County - Finance - Payables |
Greene County - Finance - Payroll |
Moana Ormond 252-747-3446 Sandra Harrell 252-747-3446 x210
Greene County - Greene County Health Department |
BETTY A SHINGLETON 252-747-8181 x325 Paige M Bishop 252-747-8181 x336
Town of Hookerton |
April H Vinson - 252-747-3816 |
Town of Hookerton |
Gail Stallings - 252-747-3816 |
Town of Hookerton |
Ruth Almaraz - 252-747-3816 |
Town of Hookerton - Administration |
Town of Snow Hill |
Todd Whaley - 252-747-3414 |
Town of Snow Hill |
April Vinson - 252-747-3414 |
Town of Snow Hill - Administration |
Town of Snow Hill - Snow Hill Police Department |
Joshua S Smith 252-747-3414
Town of Walstonburg - Administration |
Bess Patton 252-753-5667