SolarWinds Incident Management Questionnaire

Submitted by ichoyle on

The North Carolina Joint Cybersecurity Task Force is seeking information from state, local and academic entities to help assess the state’s security posture in regard to the SolarWinds supply chain compromise.

Information shared as part of this process will be protected from public disclosure under N.C. G.S. 132-6.1(c). Private sector entities are encouraged to report cybersecurity incidents to the department (2015-241, s. 7A.2(b); 2019-200, s. 6(e)).

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s alert, AA20-352A: Advanced Persistent Threat Compromise of Government Agencies, Critical Infrastructure, and Private Sector Organizations, provides valuable guidance and actions to increase your security posture.

For more information:


Indicates required field
Does your agency/organization currently use any SolarWinds products?
Is your agency/organization currently running, or has it ever run, any version of the SolarWinds Orion product?
Have you, at any time, installed any of the following versions of SolarWinds (e.g. trial/POC etc.)? Select all that apply.
Please provide the following information:
Have you verified that your vendors (third-, fourth-party, etc.), have not been impacted and/or have taken appropriate steps per DHS CISA to mitigate the risks?
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